Lost Sales Tracker

Understand how much your supply chain is impacting your revenue, enabling you to identify costly gaps

Inventory Automation

Purchase orders and stock transfers in a single-click. Its like your business on auto pilot

Profit Investigator

Sleuth out which products are the most profitable and by how much. Make product decisions backed by hard data

“Knowing my lost sales reshaped my business approach.
Try Stockt and let it transform yours too.”

Ben Martinek - Founder of Stockt, Amazon and Shopify seller

Stop losing sales due to stockouts

Try our Lost Sales Tracker today free to understand your supply chain better, and see for yourself.

Try Stockt free for 30 days, no credit card required for Getting Started plan. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Stockt.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Stockt for?

Chances are, if you've found yourself here, Stockt is just what you need! We cater to small e-commerce sellers, weary of endlessly merging spreadsheets from Amazon and Shopify to analyze sales or forecast future ones. With Stockt, no more wrangling with numbers to make a Purchase Order - we've got you covered. You'll have more time to do what you love, even if it's simply re-watching 'Idiocracy'!

How much does Stockt cost?

Our Lost Sales Tracker is FREE, but other Stockt features come with a cost, but guess what? We have a free plan to get you started! For more features, you can upgrade starting from just $29/month - probably less than what you're spending on video subscriptions! Rest assured, there are no hidden fees to surprise you. Need assistance or a customization? Drop us an email at support@stockt.app. We'd love to provide everything for free, but our AWS bills and burrito fund ask otherwise!

How does lost sales tracking work?

Stockt averages the the sales for the period previous to the day you ran out of stock and calulates how much you would have potentially sold. This is done across all your products and channels.

Why is knowing lost sales important?

Knowing your lost sales reveals potential revenue missed. By spotting these gaps, you can optimize supply chains, increase profits, and satisfy customers. It's about seizing every sales opportunity for you.